A strange metal container was discovered by workers during excavation for a residential building in Litzlberg, Austria. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be a metal coffin from the 17th century. Archaeologists and researchers are now hoping to learn more about the burial site. The coffin, which is several hundred years old, has already provided some answers to older theories, confirming the presence of a Protestant church in the area during the 17th century.

The metal coffin was found to be in such good condition that the body, clothing, and burial items were largely intact. A golden ring with the engraving “Life in Christ” and a gravestone were among the items found. The body is believed to be that of a woman, but little else is known about her at this time. The researchers hope that the gravestone will provide more information about the deceased. In addition to the coffin, several wooden pieces were also found, which are believed to be parts of children’s coffins, although this theory has not yet been confirmed.

The discovery of the metal coffin has sparked interest among archaeologists and researchers, who are eager to learn more about the burial site and the woman buried within it. The findings will be presented in several containers on a nearby beach parking lot in Seewalchen in the coming weeks. Until then, the researchers will continue to gather information about the deceased and the site. All the collected facts can be found on the website of the OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH.

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