German company Freudenberg Sealing Technologies has developed a new component that can prevent fires and explosions in electric car batteries. The 3D barrier has already been certified and is expected to be installed in the first cars soon. According to data from the National Transportation Safety Board and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, electric cars are less likely to catch fire than models with hybrid or combustion engines. However, if a battery fire does occur, extinguishing it can be difficult and the risk of explosion is high. To prevent accidents or battery failures from causing fires, the company has developed a 3D battery that can be integrated into lithium-ion batteries in electric cars. The barrier is made of elastomer plastics and can withstand temperatures of up to 1,200 degrees Celsius. It can stop or at least significantly slow down the so-called thermal runaway, an uncontrolled reaction that can cause a massive increase in temperature and, in extreme cases, an explosion in the battery.

The new 3D barrier complements existing insulation solutions and heat shields for batteries. It seals specific components and penetrates into the innermost structures of the profiles to achieve comprehensive sealing. The adaptive barriers, whether made of foam or solid material, can be positioned flexibly within the battery. They are available both in mass production and as individual units. Although the weight has been minimized, the producer does not provide exact details on this. The so-called 3D Thermal Barriers have already been certified and have found their way into mass production in the automotive industry. Which companies will use this new development remains unknown for now, but it is only a matter of time before this becomes public.

This new development is significant for the electric car industry, as it addresses a major safety concern. With the increasing popularity of electric cars, it is important to ensure that they are as safe as possible. The 3D barrier developed by Freudenberg Sealing Technologies is a promising solution that could prevent accidents and improve the safety of electric cars. It will be interesting to see which companies will adopt this technology and how it will impact the industry as a whole.

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