In just six hours, a team of scientists from Collaborations Pharmaceuticals in Raleigh, USA, used artificial intelligence (AI) to identify 40,000 toxic molecules that could be used as the basis for chemical weapons. The researchers had originally developed the AI to create non-toxic molecules for use in new medicines. However, they were invited to a conference on biological weapons control in Switzerland and decided to demonstrate how their algorithm could be adapted to find potentially deadly molecules. The AI was instructed to focus on molecules similar to the nerve agent VX, one of the most dangerous chemical weapons in the world. The researchers found that the AI was able to identify 40,000 molecules that met their criteria, including both known and unknown toxic substances.

While the researchers acknowledge that further testing is needed to determine the toxicity of the identified molecules, they believe that at least some of them could be used as the basis for chemical weapons. They warn that the use of AI in this way is a wake-up call for the potential misuse of the technology in the development of biochemical weapons. The researchers stress the importance of the scientific community addressing the potential for misuse and developing protective measures.

The development of AI for the creation of chemical weapons is no longer science fiction. The potential for misuse of this technology is significant, and it is essential that the scientific community takes steps to address this issue. The use of AI in the development of biochemical weapons is a serious concern, and it is crucial that protective measures are developed to prevent the misuse of this technology.

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