A new charging cable with a cooling liquid that vaporizes can charge electric cars in just five minutes. The long charging time compared to refueling a gasoline car has been a common criticism of electric vehicles. This is due to the limitation of the charging cable, which would overheat if subjected to too much stress. However, scientists at Purdue University have developed a new technology that could make charging an electric car as fast as refueling a gasoline car. They have developed an efficient cooling system that allows significantly larger amounts of electricity to flow through the cable without overheating. The new charging cable contains a cooling liquid that vaporizes, which significantly improves heat dissipation compared to current charging cables.

The new charging cable also allows higher currents to flow through a smaller diameter, making it easier to handle. In laboratory experiments, the scientists were able to pass a current of over 2,400 amperes through the new charging cable. To charge the battery of a typical electric car in five minutes, only 1,400 amperes would be required. Modifications to the cable and cooling liquid could enable even higher charging rates in the future, according to project leader Issam Mudawar. However, this would require corresponding batteries in the vehicles and charging stations with sufficient power.

This new technology could be a game-changer for the electric vehicle industry, as it addresses one of the main concerns of potential buyers. With the ability to charge an electric car in just five minutes, the convenience of refueling a gasoline car is now within reach. The development of this new charging cable is a significant step towards making electric vehicles more practical and accessible to the general public.

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