In a stunning discovery, scientists have filmed around 64,000 green sea turtles gathering to lay their eggs on Raine Island, off the coast of Australia. Previously, it was believed that only 36,000 turtles gathered in the area for nesting. Raine Island is already the world’s largest nesting site for green sea turtles, but the new numbers indicate that it is even more significant than previously thought. This year, researchers used a drone to count the turtles, revealing not only the higher number of nesting turtles, but also producing beautiful footage of the creatures.

Green sea turtles can live up to 50 years and grow up to 1.4 meters in length and weigh up to 160 kilograms. They lay up to 600 eggs per season on Raine Island, which are left to hatch in the sun and warm sand. The island, along with its two neighboring islands, is a protected national park.

The discovery of the higher number of nesting turtles is significant for conservation efforts, as it highlights the importance of protecting the area and ensuring the survival of the species. The footage captured by the drone also provides a unique and stunning glimpse into the lives of these magnificent creatures. Experts hope that this discovery will lead to increased efforts to protect the nesting site and the turtles that rely on it for survival.

Chelonia mydas

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