A majority of Germans are in favor of a general speed limit on highways, according to a recent survey conducted by the insurance company Allianz SE. The survey, which polled 1,000 car owners and non-owners between the ages of 18 and 45, found that 71% of participants support the introduction of a general speed limit on highways. However, there were differences in opinion on what the speed limit should be. While almost a third (29%) were in favor of a limit of 130 km/h, 10% wanted an even lower limit, and over a third (32%) supported a limit of 140 to 150 km/h.

The survey also revealed that there were differences in opinion based on gender, age, and the amount of driving done by participants. Women were more likely than men to support a limit of 130 km/h or less, and younger participants were less likely to support a speed limit than older participants. Additionally, those who drove more than 50,000 km per year were more likely to be against a general speed limit, while those who drove less than 5,000 km per year were more likely to support a limit of 130 km/h or less.

This survey comes after a study by the German Environment Agency found that 64% of Germans were in favor of a general speed limit of 130 km/h on highways. While the topic remains controversial, with some arguing that a speed limit would improve safety and reduce emissions, and others arguing that it would limit personal freedom and have little impact on emissions, it is clear that a significant portion of the German population supports the introduction of a general speed limit on highways.

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