A recent study conducted by the Institute of Psychogerontology (IPG) at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) has revealed new insights into how our individual perception of time affects our attitude towards the future. The study found that our perception of time has an impact on our interest in future generations. The research sheds light on the complexity of interpersonal relationships at different stages of life. The majority of people show a strong concern for the well-being of future generations, which is manifested in various ways such as volunteering, environmental awareness, and passing on knowledge and experience to younger people.

Previous research has shown that middle-aged and older individuals are more interested in future generations than younger people. However, the new study by the IPG suggests that age is less important than individual perception of time. The study found that engagement with future generations is present in all age groups and is closely related to the individual’s perception of time. The study, which spanned six years and involved over 500 participants aged between 18 and 88, measured changes in individual perception of time and their willingness to care for future generations. The results showed that on days when individuals perceived their time as more abundant, they were more likely to engage in activities that benefit others, regardless of age.

The study highlights the importance of a responsible and caring attitude towards the future for a thriving society. It also emphasizes the role of personal perception of significance and the ability to keep up with change in shaping attitudes towards future generations. Individuals who feel overwhelmed or excluded by the fast pace of life are less likely to engage with future generations. Age plays a secondary role in this context, while the attitude towards one’s own future influences personal attitudes towards technological or societal progress. The study’s findings contribute to a better understanding of the complexity of interpersonal relationships and the importance of a caring and responsible attitude towards future generations.

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