A recent study conducted by Jerry, a US-based car insurance comparison service, has found that Android users are safer drivers than iPhone users. The study analyzed data from 20,000 drivers who covered approximately 13 million kilometers over a period of 14 days. The data was collected from in-car devices that recorded information on acceleration, speed, braking, turning, and distraction. The results were then grouped according to demographic characteristics and smartphone operating systems.

Previous studies have shown that Android and iPhone users differ in terms of their personality traits. For example, Android users tend to be more honest and modest, while iPhone users are more extroverted. Jerry’s study aimed to investigate whether these differences also extend to driving behavior. The results showed that Android users outperformed iPhone users in all categories, including safe driving, speeding, distracted driving, turning, braking, and acceleration. The biggest difference was observed in the category of distracted driving.

It is worth noting that iPhone users tend to be younger on average, and age is a significant factor in driving safety. Younger drivers are generally more risk-taking on the road. However, the study still found that within the same age group, Android users were safer drivers than iPhone users. The study provides valuable insights into the relationship between smartphone usage and driving behavior, and highlights the importance of safe driving practices regardless of the type of phone one uses.

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