Germany is set to have a new island in the North Sea, according to experts. Although it is currently classified as a large sandbank in the Wadden Sea, the new land is expected to become an official island in the near future. The island, which is approximately 600 hectares in size, is located in the Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park, around 15 kilometers northwest of Neuwerk Island and 35 kilometers from Cuxhaven. Despite not yet having the official status of an island, researchers are already studying the new land, with the help of satellite images taken every three days. The island is expected to become a vast nature reserve, closed to the public, where birds, seals, and other animals can rest and breed undisturbed.

Dr. Klaus Janke, the head of the national park, and his team are closely monitoring the new land, which is currently submerged during high tides. Although the island is not yet accessible to tourists, the researchers are using the detailed satellite images to document its growth and to identify any plant life that may be present. The sandbank is already around 600 hectares in size, and experts believe that it is unlikely to disappear back into the North Sea. Instead, they predict that it will continue to grow and eventually become an official island. However, severe storms could potentially damage or destroy the new land.

The new island will be a significant addition to the Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park, which is already home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. The island’s status as a nature reserve will ensure that it remains a haven for wildlife, free from human interference. While the island does not yet have an official name, it is expected to become a popular destination for researchers and nature enthusiasts in the future.

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