Bond Pet Food, a start-up based in Boulder, USA, is developing lab-grown protein for dog food to reduce the environmental impact of pet ownership. The production of traditional dog food from slaughtered animals is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, with a medium-sized dog producing as much CO2 in its lifetime as 72,800 kilometers of driving. Bond Pet Food aims to eliminate the need for animal agriculture for pet food by creating proteins through biotechnological processes in the lab. However, the high cost of production remains a challenge, with current costs at $5 per kilogram. The company hopes to reduce this cost before the product can be introduced to the mass market, which is expected to take at least two years.

According to Rich Kelleman, the founder of Bond Pet Food, the texture and taste of the lab-grown protein do not need to mimic traditional meat products. The focus is on creating a product that is palatable for pets while reducing the environmental impact of pet ownership. However, the acceptance of this alternative by pet owners remains uncertain. Some dog owners believe that they can provide their pets with real animal protein without harming the planet, while others are skeptical about the long-term benefits of lab-grown protein.

The introduction of lab-grown protein for pet food is expected to have a significant impact on the environment, as pets in the US alone consume as much animal protein as the entire population of France. However, the production cost and consumer acceptance remain significant challenges for Bond Pet Food. The company hopes to overcome these challenges and introduce the lab-grown protein to the market by the second half of 2023.

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