The German Environmental Aid (DUH) has renewed its call for a general inner-city speed limit of 30 km/h to prevent traffic fatalities and serious injuries. Spain and France have already successfully implemented this measure. The reduced speed limit is intended as an immediate measure to protect the environment and prevent traffic fatalities and serious injuries. Spain and France serve as models for the measure, as they have already introduced such a speed limit for a large number of inner-city streets. The DUH argues that a 30 km/h speed limit not only reduces the number and severity of traffic accidents, but also reduces noise pollution, improves air quality, and increases quality of life.

Despite the fact that the current government’s coalition agreement included the “Vision Zero” goal of reducing the number of traffic fatalities by at least 40 percent by 2020, only 25 percent fewer traffic fatalities have been achieved in Germany since 2010. Furthermore, there is currently no up-to-date traffic safety program in Germany since the previously adopted program has expired. None of the major parties have excluded the demand for a general speed limit for the city from their election programs. The SPD’s election program for the 2021 federal election only includes a speed limit of 130 km/h for the autobahn, citing environmental protection and the reduction of accidents. The Greens’ preliminary election program also only includes a nationwide speed limit on the autobahn, but not a general speed limit for urban traffic.

The DUH is calling on the Greens to take a clear position on the issue and to include a general speed limit for urban traffic in their election program. The majority of the population is also in favor of such a speed limit, according to a recent study by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The DUH argues that a general speed limit of 30 km/h in urban areas would not only reduce the number of traffic fatalities and serious injuries, but also improve air quality and reduce noise pollution.

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