Ten African countries have announced plans to create a massive forest area in regions below the Sahara by 2030. The project aims to improve the quality of life for the population in these countries, increase the resilience of the participating states’ habitats, and slow down climate change. Germany has pledged financial assistance for the initiative, which was presented during the UN Climate Conference. The goal is to create vast forest regions covering 100 million hectares of land, which is several times the size of Germany. The plants in this area will absorb carbon dioxide from the Earth’s atmosphere, contributing to climate protection and creating new jobs in the associated countries.

The project is one of the largest in this field, and it has the support of several African countries, including Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Uganda, as well as six other African nations. The African Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and seven other supporters are also backing the initiative. Technical partners are providing additional assistance, and the World Bank has pledged $1 billion, with an additional $540 million expected from the private sector. The project’s success will depend on the outcome of the UN Climate Conference, where discussions among ministers are expected to be decisive in reaching a global agreement on climate change.

Makhtar Diop, Vice President for the Africa Region at the World Bank, believes that a concerted effort can support development work on the African continent, addressing the root causes of the problems. The creation of these forests will not only help combat climate change but also improve the quality of life for the people in these countries. The project will create new jobs and increase the resilience of the participating states’ habitats. The initiative is a significant step towards achieving the goal of reducing the temperature increase of the planet by a maximum of two degrees Celsius compared to the pre-industrial era.

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