More than half of Germans who have purchased or leased an electric car regret their decision due to underestimated costs, particularly higher electricity prices, according to a recent survey by market research firm YouGov. Despite the potential cost savings of several hundred euros per month and the environmental benefits, 53% of respondents expressed regret over their purchase or lease. The survey also found that a quarter of potential buyers were concerned about the ownership or leasing of an electric vehicle due to price uncertainty caused by the energy crisis.

Interestingly, the survey revealed that 54% of French participants regretted their purchase of an electric car, while the majority of UK respondents (58%) were still satisfied with their decision despite higher operating costs. Max Scherer, COO of Monta, a software company for charging stations that commissioned the study, noted that charging an electric car has become more expensive in recent years, but Germans tend to overestimate the cost of charging. Consumers are often only informed of the exact costs of charging at home after receiving their electricity bill several months later, and the pricing information at public charging stations is also confusing due to various billing systems from different providers.

While the cost of charging at public stations ranges from 40 to 80 cents per kWh, home charging averages 30 cents per kWh. However, not everyone has the option of installing a home charging station. For those who do, 41% of Germans who own or are considering an electric vehicle use a renewable energy-based system at home, and about a quarter have their own photovoltaic system. Connecting a solar system to a charging station can significantly reduce costs. To make the transition to electric vehicles successful, simple and clear charging solutions are needed, including the promotion of private charging facilities and an uncomplicated charging process similar to refueling with gasoline.

In conclusion, the survey highlights the need for greater transparency and simplicity in charging electric vehicles, as well as the importance of educating consumers about the actual costs of ownership. While electric vehicles offer significant environmental benefits and potential cost savings, the perceived complexity and uncertainty of charging costs can deter potential buyers and lead to regret among current owners.

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