A recent survey conducted by the market and opinion research institute YouGov has revealed that the majority of Germans are in favor of a general speed limit on the country’s autobahns. The survey, which included over 2,000 participants over the age of 18, found that 57% of respondents were in favor of a speed limit, while 33% were against it. The remaining 10% were undecided. The survey also showed that supporters of different political parties had varying opinions on the matter, with the highest approval ratings coming from Green Party supporters (87%) and Social Democratic Party supporters (72%). The highest level of opposition (52%) came from supporters of the Free Democratic Party.

The call for a speed limit on autobahns has been gaining momentum in recent months, with some politicians citing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as a reason to reduce fuel consumption and promote climate protection. However, the idea of a general speed limit is excluded from the coalition agreement between the Social Democratic Party, the Green Party, and the Free Democratic Party. Despite the positive effects of a speed limit, Free Democratic Party leader Christian Lindner remains opposed to the idea, stating that “the impact on the climate would be marginal” and that voluntary changes in driving behavior due to high fuel prices are already sufficient.

While the debate over a general speed limit on autobahns continues, it is clear that the majority of Germans are in favor of such a measure. However, the political landscape and differing opinions among supporters of different parties make it unlikely that a speed limit will be implemented in the near future.

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