A new study by the Bertelsmann Stiftung has found that almost eight percent of eligible voters in Germany hold a right-wing extremist position. The study surveyed 10,055 people in an online survey ahead of the 2021 federal election. The results showed that a “manifestly right-wing extremist” position is most prevalent among those who intend to vote for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, with almost a third (29%) of their supporters holding this view. This is in contrast to supporters of other parties in the Bundestag, where the percentage of those holding a right-wing extremist position is significantly lower.

The study also found that almost three-quarters (73%) of AfD supporters hold a populist position, either partially or entirely. The authors of the study noted that the success of the AfD in the 2017 federal election was largely due to the mobilization of right-wing populist voters in the wake of the refugee crisis. However, the 2021 election results indicate that the majority of AfD supporters are manifestly or latently right-wing extremist.

The study also found that 7.7% of eligible voters in Germany hold a closed right-wing extremist worldview, while a chauvinistic attitude is more prevalent among the population. The authors of the study noted that this includes a desire for “hard and energetic enforcement of German interests abroad” and the goal of “giving Germany the power and influence it deserves.” The FDP and Union parties have a higher percentage of supporters who hold such views (60%), while almost all AfD supporters (90%) identify with these statements. The Greens, on the other hand, have a significantly lower chauvinism score (34%).

These findings highlight the prevalence of right-wing extremism and populism in German politics, particularly among supporters of the AfD. It is important for political leaders and citizens alike to address and combat these dangerous ideologies in order to promote a more inclusive and tolerant society.

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