Public transportation in German cities takes about twice as long as driving a car, according to a study conducted by the Mobility Institute in Berlin. While comfort is important, travel time is the most crucial factor for most people when choosing a mode of transportation. The study created a “travel time index” for the eleven largest German cities, with an index value of 1 indicating that public transportation and cars are equally fast. However, the average travel time index for these cities is 2.06, meaning that public transportation takes more than twice as long as driving a car.

To make public transportation a more attractive alternative to driving, the Mobility Institute recommends five measures to reduce travel time in these cities. The study highlights the importance of improving public transportation infrastructure and increasing the frequency of service. Additionally, the study suggests implementing priority lanes for buses and trams, as well as optimizing traffic signals to reduce waiting times at intersections. Finally, the study recommends integrating different modes of transportation, such as bike-sharing and car-sharing services, to create a more seamless and efficient transportation network.

Experts agree that improving public transportation is crucial for reducing traffic congestion and air pollution in cities. However, the high travel time index in German cities suggests that there is still much work to be done to make public transportation a viable alternative to driving. By implementing the recommendations of the Mobility Institute, cities can make significant strides towards creating a more sustainable and efficient transportation system.

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