The number of startups in Germany has been steadily declining since 2000, resulting in a decrease in the number of offered startup seminars. However, a recent study shows that the cost of these seminars has been increasing over the years, and access to them has become more difficult. This raises the question of whether startup seminars are still worth it for young entrepreneurs.

Startup seminars can be an important source of information for young entrepreneurs and founders, with industry and trade chambers being the primary recipients. A study conducted between 2012 and 2018 examined the number of startup seminars, their costs, and their information content. The results showed a significant decrease in the number of seminars, which could be attributed to a declining demand from startups. This is in line with official statistics that show a decrease in the number of startups in recent years. However, the duration of the seminars offered has been shortened, while the costs have increased. Some chambers have even stopped offering seminars for startups altogether.

The study surveyed 80 industry and trade chambers and 53 craft chambers in Germany. About one-sixth of the surveyed chambers did not provide information on the offers, costs, and duration of startup seminars. The remaining chambers offered a mixed range of seminars, from free three-hour seminars to multi-day seminars costing up to almost 500 euros per participant. The quality of the seminars varied greatly, and there was no apparent strategy or agreement among the chambers.

It is important to note that the level of prior knowledge among each startup founder varies, and therefore, it cannot be said that attending a seminar is always recommended. Additionally, the most expensive seminar does not necessarily guarantee the best quality. A multi-day startup seminar should not cost more than 300 euros, and it is important for participants to receive a certificate of attendance. This certificate is often required by funding agencies, government offices, or banks when applying for funding or loans. Therefore, attending a startup seminar can be crucial for young entrepreneurs, but it is important to choose wisely and ensure that the seminar meets their needs.

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