Aging can lead to a decrease in brain cholesterol, which in turn can cause hearing loss. However, a new study from the Universidad de Buenos Aires suggests that a dietary supplement containing phytosterols can help to counteract this loss of cholesterol and maintain hearing function. The study, published in PLOS Biology, found that cholesterol plays a key role in the loss of flexibility in the outer hair cells (OHCs) of the inner ear, which leads to reduced sound amplification and hearing loss. The researchers hypothesized that this loss of cholesterol in the OHCs could be responsible for hearing loss in seniors.

To test their hypothesis, the researchers conducted experiments on mice, administering a dietary supplement containing phytosterols to counteract the loss of cholesterol in the OHCs. They found that the supplement improved hearing function in the mice over a three-week period. The study provides the first practical evidence that supplementing with phytosterols could be a potential measure against hearing loss.

The study’s authors emphasize the promising aspects of their research, which sheds light on the role of cholesterol in hearing loss and the potential benefits of phytosterol supplementation. The findings could have significant implications for the development of new treatments for age-related hearing loss.

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