The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant drop in the number of children receiving essential vaccinations, according to data from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Between 2019 and 2021, approximately 67 million children worldwide missed scheduled vaccinations against diseases such as measles and polio, due to lockdowns and disruptions to healthcare services. The study also found that trust in childhood vaccinations has decreased, making it a challenging task to rebuild parents’ confidence in them. UNICEF warns that without urgent action from governments, the next wave of preventable diseases could affect an increasing number of children.

The report shows that vaccination coverage for children in 112 countries has decreased, with a global drop of five percentage points to 81%, the lowest level since 2008. Africa and South Asia were particularly affected by the inadequate vaccination coverage. The decline in trust in vaccinations was observed in 52 out of 55 countries, with people under 35 and women reporting the most significant decrease in confidence since the pandemic began. Despite the decline, UNICEF notes that the approval of vaccinations remains relatively high, with more than 80% of respondents in nearly half of the countries surveyed stating that immunizing children is essential.

The combination of factors, including uncertainty about the COVID-19 pandemic, widespread misinformation, declining trust in expertise, and increasing political polarization, could lead to a growing reluctance to vaccinate children. UNICEF warns that this could have severe consequences, with the potential for a rising number of preventable deaths from diseases such as measles and diphtheria. The organization calls on governments worldwide to take urgent action to address the issue and prevent further declines in vaccination coverage.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on childhood vaccinations, with millions of children missing out on essential immunizations. The decline in trust in vaccinations is a worrying trend that could have severe consequences if not addressed. Governments must take urgent action to rebuild parents’ confidence in vaccinations and ensure that children receive the protection they need against preventable diseases.

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