The use of e-cigarettes has been on the rise in recent years, with many smokers switching to them as a supposedly less harmful alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes. However, studies have shown that vaping can also have negative effects on health. Researchers at New York University have investigated the impact of e-cigarettes on oral health, specifically on the mouth’s microbiome. They found that the oral flora of vapers contains microorganisms that are associated with an increased risk of gum diseases such as periodontitis.

The study involved taking plaque samples from 27 smokers, 28 vapers, and 29 non-smokers, and analyzing the bacteria present. The researchers also recorded whether the participants showed signs of periodontitis, a chronic gum inflammation caused by bacteria. After six months, they took plaque samples again and assessed the condition of the teeth and gums. The data showed that vaping promotes a stable periodontal microbiome that is similar to that of smokers but has unique features that can affect oral health in different ways.

The study also found that certain bacteria are present in all three groups, while others are only found in the oral flora of non-smokers, vapers, or smokers. The microbiome of vapers is more similar to that of smokers than non-smokers. Some participants’ periodontitis worsened during the study, with one vaper developing moderate periodontitis and another developing severe periodontitis. The researchers noted that the results cannot be directly compared due to differences in the stages of the disease at the start of the study and demographic characteristics of the groups. However, the analysis of bacteria in the plaque samples suggests that vaping and smoking do influence the progression of periodontitis.

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