A group of scientists from the Society for Aerosol Research (GAeF) have criticized the German government’s coronavirus measures in an open letter. According to the experts, many of the restrictions are merely symbolic and have little impact on the spread of the virus, while crucial findings from research have yet to be implemented. The scientists are calling for measures to reduce aerosol pollution in indoor spaces, such as homes, offices, classrooms, and care facilities. They suggest the use of air filters, which can remove up to 99.995% of aerosols from the air, as a practical solution to prevent infections.

The open letter was sent to both federal and state governments in response to the ongoing discussion about nationwide measures to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. The scientists argue that to effectively control the pandemic, people need to be made aware of the dangers of indoor spaces, where the virus is known to spread through aerosols in the air. They criticize the government’s failure to implement crucial findings from their research and call for practical measures to reduce aerosol pollution in indoor spaces.

The scientists suggest that measures such as banning outdoor activities like cycling and jogging or closing beer gardens are counterproductive. They argue that the limited resources should be focused on reducing aerosol pollution in indoor spaces, where clusters of infections occur. The scientists also criticize the use of masks while jogging, which they consider to be symbolic and have little impact on the spread of the virus. Instead, they suggest shortening indoor meetings and using effective masks and air purifiers in spaces where people spend extended periods. The scientists emphasize that regular ventilation can also significantly reduce the risk of infection in indoor spaces.

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