A recent study has found that the majority of Germans desire whiter teeth, with one in four considering professional teeth whitening. However, researchers and medical professionals are warning against at-home experiments and recommending a visit to the dentist for teeth whitening. White teeth are considered a common beauty ideal and symbolize good health. Additionally, studies show that healthy and white teeth make people more attractive and can lead to greater success in both personal and professional relationships. Researchers from the University of Witten/Herdecke, in collaboration with AXA Insurance, have investigated the desire for whiter teeth in Germany. The study found that over 70% of women under 30 years old value white teeth, but the desire for a brighter smile is prevalent across all ages and genders.

The study also examined the teeth whitening options available to respondents and how often they used them. With the internet, there is a wide range of teeth whitening products available, from whitening toothpaste to home bleaching kits. However, experts strongly advise against using home bleaching kits due to the risk of long-term damage to teeth. The risks include attacking and damaging the tooth nerve, irritating soft tissue, and causing inflammation. The German Society for Aesthetic Dentistry also advises against do-it-yourself bleachings, citing possible irritation and suboptimal results. Despite the risks, only 2% of Germans have undergone professional teeth whitening, despite 25% expressing interest in the procedure.

The cost of professional teeth whitening may be a factor in the low number of people undergoing the procedure. Without appropriate insurance, the cost must be borne by the individual. Dr. Elisa Krafft, an expert in professional teeth whitening, emphasizes the benefits of professional teeth cleaning, which not only prevents cavities and gum disease but also removes most stains and discoloration caused by coffee, nicotine, and tea. Despite the benefits, only 57% of respondents have undergone professional teeth cleaning. In conclusion, while the desire for whiter teeth is prevalent in Germany, it is essential to seek professional help for teeth whitening to avoid long-term damage.

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