A new study conducted by scientists at the University of Edinburgh has found that the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine reduces the risk of hospitalization by more than 80% in people over the age of 80. The study analyzed data from Public Health Scotland, which showed that 21% of the Scottish population had been vaccinated against Covid-19 between December 8, 2020, and February 15, 2021. Of these, 650,000 people received the Biontech/Pfizer vaccine, while 490,000 received the AstraZeneca vaccine. The study found that the Biontech/Pfizer vaccine reduced the risk of hospitalization by 85%, while the AstraZeneca vaccine reduced the risk by 94%.

The study’s lead author, Professor Aziz Sheikh, emphasized the importance of accelerating the vaccination campaign to overcome the pandemic. The analysis of the data also showed that the first dose of the vaccine provides significant protection for people in high-risk groups. In the fourth week after receiving the first dose, the risk of hospitalization due to Covid-19 in people over the age of 80 decreased by 81%. Similar results have been observed in other countries where the Biontech/Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines are being used.

While there are differences in the effectiveness of the vaccines among different age groups, the study found that even the “less effective” vaccines provide good protection. The study’s findings provide further evidence of the importance of vaccination in reducing the spread of Covid-19 and preventing severe illness. As the vaccination campaign continues, it is crucial to prioritize high-risk groups to ensure that they receive the protection they need.

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