The coronavirus has been known to affect various organs in the body, but recent studies have shown that it can also cause skin changes. In particular, asymptomatic COVID-19 infections can lead to skin rashes similar to measles and “COVID toes,” which are red or purple lesions on the feet. These symptoms are more common in young people with mild or no symptoms, making it important to test them to prevent silent transmission.

Doctors first noticed skin changes in COVID-19 patients in April 2020, with reports of blisters, redness, and other symptoms on the toes. This was surprising because skin changes are rare in viral infections. However, studies have since shown that COVID-19 can cause various skin changes, including measles-like rashes and hives. These symptoms are believed to be caused by an immune system reaction rather than the virus itself.

While COVID toes are specific to the disease, skin rashes and hives are common in other viral infections. However, they may still be useful in identifying infected individuals where testing is not available. It is important to note that skin changes are not always present in COVID-19 patients, and testing remains the most reliable way to diagnose the disease.

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