A new study from the University of Southern California has revealed a surprising method for promoting hair growth in balding individuals. According to the researchers, pulling out some of the remaining hair in a balding area can trigger a response from the immune system that promotes the growth of new hair. This theory was tested on laboratory mice, where 200 hairs were removed in a specific pattern. The results showed that when many hairs were removed from a small area, significantly more hair grew back in that area. This growth spurt is believed to be caused by stress signals that are released by the hair follicles when they are damaged or injured.

Hair loss affects approximately 80% of men in Europe and North America at some point in their lives. While it was previously believed that the hormone testosterone was responsible for hair loss, recent research has shown that it is actually genetic variants that are more common in small and fair-skinned men. Current treatments for hair loss include medications that aim to stop hair loss, as well as electric stimulation to activate hair follicles responsible for hair loss. However, this new method of pulling out some of the remaining hair in a balding area to promote hair growth is a surprising and potentially effective solution.

The researchers believe that this method works by triggering a response from the immune system that promotes the growth of new hair. When hair follicles are damaged or injured, they release stress signals that attract immune cells to the area. These immune cells then release signaling molecules that promote the growth of new hair in the surrounding follicles. While this method has only been tested on laboratory mice, the researchers believe that it could be a promising treatment for hair loss in humans. Further testing is needed to determine whether this method is effective for both men and women with hair loss.

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