Electric impulses from a follicle stimulator can activate hair roots and prevent hair loss and baldness, according to a recent study published in the ACS Nano journal by scientists at the University of Wisconsin Madison. The new method was found to be more effective than traditional medications in animal testing. Current treatments for hair loss include medication and cell transplants, but they are not very effective. The follicle stimulator, which sends low-frequency electric impulses to hair roots via a compact device, was tested on rats and mice, and the results showed an increase in active follicles and hair length. The device generates electricity through the user’s movement, similar to an energy collector or a pacemaker. Clinical trials with human subjects are expected to follow soon.

The device was developed because electric stimulation can promote various bodily functions, according to Xudong Wang, co-author of the study. The scientists wanted to investigate whether there was a way to activate hair follicles, which are structures that surround hair roots, to promote the growth of new hair. Men who suffer from alopecia often have problems with hair roots and do not replace naturally falling hair, resulting in visible gaps. The follicle stimulator can activate dormant hair follicles, even in people with alopecia, and does not have the side effects of traditional medications, such as impotence and depression. The device is compact and does not require a battery, making it easy to use in everyday life.

Kyocera, a Japanese company, is also researching a solution for hair loss using stem cells from hair roots to grow thousands of new hair roots for transplantation. The company expects to reach the market by 2020. It is not yet known when or if the follicle stimulator will be available on the market.

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