Spinach, the vegetable famously known for its association with Popeye the Sailor Man, has been found to contain a natural steroid called Ecdysterone that can significantly increase muscle mass and strength. Researchers from the Free University of Berlin have conducted a study that proves the performance-enhancing effects of Ecdysterone on humans. The study, published in the Archives of Toxicology, involved 46 participants who were given varying doses of spinach extract for ten weeks. The results showed a significant increase in muscle mass and strength among those who received Ecdysterone.

Ecdysterone has been dubbed the “Russian Secret” due to its performance-enhancing effects in sports. Previous studies have shown its effectiveness in muscle cells and laboratory rats, with a stronger effect than the conventional anabolic steroid Metandienone. The Berlin researchers’ study is the first to prove the same effects on humans. The study was conducted as a double-blind trial, with neither the participants nor the researchers knowing which group received Ecdysterone. The results showed a clear increase in muscle mass and strength among those who received the spinach extract.

The researchers recommend that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) include Ecdysterone on the list of banned substances under “other anabolic agents” due to its significant impact on performance. However, it should be noted that the doses of Ecdysterone administered in the study were much higher than what can be consumed through spinach alone. The highest dosage required the consumption of 16 kilograms of spinach per day, which is not feasible. Nevertheless, the study provides valuable insights into the potential of natural substances in enhancing athletic performance.

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