Hard water from the tap not only damages various household appliances through calcification, but can also be responsible for skin diseases and eczema, according to recent scientific findings. However, it is still unclear which property of hard or calcareous water exactly causes skin diseases. Hard tap water is both a blessing and a curse. Many people find the taste of harder or more calcareous water much more pleasant than that of soft water. However, hard water can cause problems such as clogging of faucets, showers, and bathtubs, as well as leaving white streaks on drinking glasses and causing household appliances such as irons, coffee machines, kettles, washing machines, and dishwashers to break down more quickly than those operated with soft water.

Now, British researchers have found that hard water has another major disadvantage: it is extremely unhealthy for the skin and is responsible not only for dry, cracked, and itchy skin, but also for skin diseases and eczema. The researchers were able to establish a clear link between hard water and various skin diseases in a study of 1,300 children in the UK. The study found that the hardness of the water is directly related to a significantly increased risk of inflammatory skin diseases.

Although tap water in Germany is subject to very strict controls, it may make sense to soften certain water pipes. This is not only healthier for the skin, but also protects many household appliances from premature calcification. There are various options for water softening, including mechanical particle filters, activated carbon filters, distillation devices, ion exchangers, and microfilters. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to choose the right one for your needs.

In conclusion, hard water can have negative effects on both household appliances and skin health. While it may be more pleasant to drink, it can cause problems such as clogging and premature breakdown of appliances. It is also responsible for skin diseases and eczema. Therefore, it may be worth considering water softening options to protect both your skin and your household appliances.

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