Dogs are not only known as man’s best friend, but also as a better sleeping partner – at least for women. According to a recent study, dogs disturb women’s sleep less than their own partners. Researchers from Canisius College in Buffalo, led by Christy L. Hoffmann, conducted a study on the sleep quality of adult women in relation to their partners and pets. The study involved 962 women, of whom 55% slept with at least one dog and 31% with at least one cat in their bed. The results showed that dogs disturb women’s sleep less than their partners do, and women feel more protected and comforted with a dog by their side. Furthermore, women who sleep with a dog feel more rested than those who do not, as they tend to have more regular sleep schedules.

The researchers attribute this to the responsibility that comes with owning a pet, which helps owners maintain a regular routine. Although cats’ purring is known to have a calming effect on most people, surprisingly, cats disturb sleep similar to partners (compared to sleeping alone). Additionally, the surveyed women found cats to be less protective or comforting than dogs. A similar, albeit smaller, study conducted by the Mayo Clinic in 2017 found that people who slept with their dogs had better sleep quality than those who did not. “Many people believe that dogs or cats in the bedroom are a disturbance,” said the researchers. However, the study shows that at least for women, having their dog in the same room at night makes them feel more comfortable and secure, leading to better sleep.

In conclusion, dogs make better sleeping partners for women than their own partners or cats. The study found that women who sleep with their dogs feel more protected and comforted, and have more regular sleep schedules, leading to better sleep quality. While cats’ purring may have a calming effect, they disturb sleep similar to partners. The study challenges the belief that pets in the bedroom are a disturbance, at least for women, and highlights the positive impact of owning a pet on sleep quality.

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