Kyocera, a Japanese technology company, has partnered with Riken and Organ Technologies to develop a new method for hair cell transplantation. The process involves growing hair cells from stem cells, rather than transplanting existing hair follicles. Kyocera will be responsible for the transplantation technology, with the piezoelectric technique being of particular interest. This method allows for the collection and cultivation of two types of stem cells from a patient, which can then be precisely placed during autotransplantation. The prototype is expected to be completed in 2018, with the system reaching the market by 2020.

In Japan, hair care is taken very seriously, with hair growth products and treatments being readily available. It is therefore not surprising that the fight against hair loss is being led by a Japanese company. Kyocera has developed a new method for hair cell transplantation, which involves growing hair cells from stem cells rather than transplanting existing hair follicles. The piezoelectric technique is of particular interest, as it allows for the precise placement of stem cells during autotransplantation. The prototype is expected to be completed in 2018, with the system reaching the market by 2020.

The process involves the collection of a few hair follicles, from which stem cells are isolated and up to a thousand new hair follicles are grown. Kyocera will be responsible for the transplantation technology, with the piezoelectric technique being of particular interest. This method allows for the collection and cultivation of two types of stem cells from a patient, which can then be precisely placed during autotransplantation. The piezoelectric technique is a specialty of Kyocera, and is used to expand, vibrate, or shrink fine ceramics and crystalline materials using an electric voltage. The technique is also used to generate power through small movements, such as pressing a switch. The prototype is expected to be completed in 2018, with the system reaching the market by 2020.

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