Playing with small LEGO building blocks not only enhances children’s creativity but also improves their mathematical abilities, according to researchers at the University of Derby in England. The study involved testing several students aged seven to 14 years old, and the results showed that the better a child is at handling LEGO blocks, the higher their mathematical performance. The study, titled “Task Complexity and Prediction of Mathematics Performance,” examined the relationship between spatial and mathematical abilities in children.

The researchers found that the children who were able to solve the tasks presented to them using LEGO blocks were the ones who played with LEGO frequently in their free time. The study’s co-author, Thomas Hunt, stated that the results could lead to the recognition of playing with LEGO or building with other similar toys as a way to enhance mathematical abilities. The study’s lead author, Miles Richardson, hopes that the findings will encourage parents and educators to view playing with LEGO as a way to promote mathematical skills.

Many game researchers are pleased with these findings, as constructive play could be an excellent educational program for children. In today’s age of smartphones, game consoles, and computers, creative toys like LEGO blocks are becoming less popular, which worries many researchers. However, this study shows that playing with LEGO blocks can be a fun and effective way to improve children’s mathematical abilities while also promoting creativity.

In conclusion, the University of Derby’s study has shown that playing with LEGO blocks can enhance children’s mathematical abilities and promote creativity. The study’s findings could lead to a better understanding of the benefits of playing with LEGO and other similar toys. Parents and educators should encourage children to play with LEGO blocks and other creative toys to promote their mathematical skills and creativity.

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