Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare and challenging condition with a grim survival rate. However, a recent study conducted by a team led by Dr. Talha Doğruyol sheds light on a potential beacon of hope – the glucose transporter-1 (GLUT-1) protein.The research focused on the prognostic significance of GLUT-1 expression in patients who underwent surgery for pleural mesothelioma between January 2005 and September 2014. A total of 129 MPM patients were diagnosed, and 75 of them underwent therapeutic operations.

The study revealed that patients with lower GLUT-1 expression had a significantly longer average survival time after surgery compared to those with higher expression. Among the operated patients, a substantial percentage showed positive GLUT-1 expression in the parietal pleura material. The data suggests that the intensity and extent of GLUT-1 expression play a crucial role in predicting survival rates, with weaker intensity and lower extent associated with better outcomes. GLUT-1 is a protein expressed not only in normal tissues but also in various carcinomas, including MPM. Studies have suggested that increased GLUT-1 expression helps malignant tumor cells sustain their energy supplies, contributing to their survival.MPM poses significant challenges, and the study emphasizes the need for larger-scale research to validate the prognostic significance of GLUT-1.

Currently, there is no standard treatment for MPM, but surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy are utilized in trimodality treatment. The study’s results suggest that GLUT-1 expression could be a valuable marker in tailoring treatment plans for better outcomes.


Doğruyol, T., Alpay, L., Gürer, D., Ersev, A., Baytemir, C. A., Evman, S., Baysungur, V., Yalçınkaya, İ. (2023). The Prognostic Significance of Glucose Transporter-1 Protein in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Haydarpasa Numune Medical Journal, 63(4), 531–536. doi: 10.14744/hnhj.2022.43765

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