Australotitan cooperensis, the largest dinosaur ever found in Australia, has been discovered after 15 years of excavation. The dinosaur was estimated to be as long as a basketball court, two stories tall, and weighing up to 74,000 kilograms. The fossils were found in Cooper Creek, Queensland, and are believed to be 95 million years old. The discovery sheds light on the prehistoric era when Australia was part of the Gondwana continent, and dinosaurs roamed the earth.

The discovery of Australotitan cooperensis is significant because it is the largest dinosaur ever found in Australia and one of the top 10 largest dinosaurs in the world. The fossils were discovered by Robyn Mackenzie and her husband Stuart in 2006 while they were herding cattle on their land. The fossils were initially thought to be from a dinosaur, but it was only after a while that the true size of the dinosaur was realized. The fossils were partially reconstructed using computer technology, as not all the bones were found. The researchers relied on previous findings to complete the reconstruction.

The discovery of Australotitan cooperensis provides insight into the prehistoric era when dinosaurs roamed the earth. The fossils are believed to be 95 million years old and shed light on the time when Australia was part of the Gondwana continent. The discovery also raises the possibility of finding more dinosaur fossils in the area. Researchers hope to find more fossils of both herbivorous and carnivorous dinosaurs to better understand the prehistoric ecosystem. The discovery of Australotitan cooperensis is a significant milestone in the field of paleontology and provides valuable information about the prehistoric era.

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