Israel has made a remarkable contribution to the world by making numerous ancient Islamic texts available on an online platform. The collection of around 2,500 Islamic manuscripts from the Israeli National Library in Jerusalem will be digitized and made available online. The project is expected to take three years to complete, after which high-resolution photos of the works, a search function, and other tools will be available in Arabic, English, and Hebrew. The aim of the project is to contribute to a better understanding and joint exploration of Islamic civilization.

The digitalization of the Islamic texts will also involve checking their preservation status and carrying out any necessary conservation or restoration work. The project has been made possible by a donation from the Arcadia Fund. The Islamic collection of the Israeli National Library includes several thousand manuscripts and rare books in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish from the 9th to the 20th century. However, it will take some time before all the works are digitized. The library estimates that the work on the books and manuscripts will be completed in about three years.

According to Raquel Ukeles of the National Library, the aim of the project is to contribute to a better understanding and joint exploration of Islamic civilization. The digitalization of the works will make them accessible to a wider audience and facilitate research and study. The project is a significant step towards promoting cultural exchange and understanding between different communities. The availability of these ancient texts online will undoubtedly contribute to the preservation and dissemination of Islamic culture and heritage.

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