The Ederstausee in northern Hesse is currently only a quarter full due to the prolonged drought. However, this extreme low water level offers visitors a glimpse of the so-called Edersee Atlantis, which is normally located at the bottom of the lake. The Edersee is one of the three largest reservoirs in Germany, containing around 200 million cubic meters of water and reaching a maximum depth of 41.7 meters. But the recent drought has caused the water level to drop drastically, a phenomenon that occurs every few years after a prolonged dry period until the Edersee slowly refills with water in the fall.

The extremely low water level of the lake currently exposes the history of the reservoir’s formation, allowing visitors to not only see the Edersee Atlantis but also walk on dry land. To ensure navigation on the Weser River, 25,000 liters of water per second were released from the lake in recent weeks. Combined with the dry weather, the Edersee emptied extremely quickly this year, revealing the old Aseler Bridge, an old cemetery, and the ruins and remains of the villages of Berich, Asel, and Bringhausen. These are normally hidden from visitors’ eyes at the bottom of the reservoir. When the Edersee was created, it was decided to demolish the villages, including the churches and the 800-year-old monastery, to secure navigation on the lake. This allowed ships to safely navigate the Edersee without fear of colliding with the roofs of the former buildings, even with fluctuating water levels.

The Edersee Atlantis is a fascinating sight for visitors, but it also highlights the impact of climate change on water resources. The prolonged drought and low water levels in the Ederstausee are a reminder of the urgent need to address the global water crisis and to implement sustainable water management practices. As the Edersee slowly refills with water, it is crucial to prioritize the conservation and protection of this valuable resource for future generations.

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