Shocking results have emerged from a study conducted by biologists at the National Research Center in Cairo, which tested genetically modified maize and soy on rats. The study found that the GM food, which is also grown for human consumption, caused severe toxic effects on the rats, including damage to their DNA, various sperm abnormalities, blood changes, and damage to their liver, kidneys, and testicles. The researchers fed rats with GM maize and soy for 30, 60, and 90 days, and the results were alarming. The damage to the rats’ livers was evident after just 30 days of consuming the GM food.

The study also found that fragments of the CaMV-35S promoter, which is commonly used in GM crops, were present in the blood, liver, and brains of the rats. While there are no comparable clinical studies on humans, the biologists warn that previous studies have shown that the CaMV-35S promoter can reactivate inactive viruses and cause cancer in humans. The health implications of consuming genetically modified food on humans are still not entirely clear, but the evidence is mounting that it may not be without consequences.

It is worth noting that the study did not use isogenic control material in the control group, so it cannot be said with 100% certainty that the genetic modifications were the cause of the toxic effects observed. However, the results of the study are cause for concern, and further research is needed to determine the full extent of the health risks associated with consuming genetically modified food. The biologists’ findings highlight the need for caution when it comes to genetically modified food, and the potential risks it may pose to human health.

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