A new study has shown that artificial intelligence (AI) can detect the mood of pigs based on their sounds. This technology could improve the quality of life for pigs in farming. Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have developed an AI system that can analyze and decipher the language of piglets and pigs. The team has built a database of over 400 pigs, recording nearly 7,500 individual sounds. The goal is to document the sounds of the animals from birth to slaughter. The AI system could help farmers reduce the stress of the animals, which would not only benefit the pigs but also improve the quality of meat and make the work of humans easier.

Pigs are intelligent animals that have been shown to have communication methods that are necessary for their social lives. The AI system could help farmers understand the current well-being of the animals, which is crucial for their quality of life. The researchers have developed a new algorithm that can detect and select the acoustic signals of the animals. The sounds were recorded in both normal breeding farms and experimental pig farming in the laboratory. The researchers were able to associate individual sounds with positive events such as receiving a new toy or negative events such as fighting in the group. The AI system can determine in real-time whether positive or negative emotions are prevailing in the herd.

The algorithm can currently recognize whether a negative or positive situation is present with 92% accuracy. In the future, this could be developed into a monitoring system that captures the mood of the animals in real-time, even at night. However, the developers state that more sound data and a more precise classification are needed for this to happen. The AI system could be a game-changer for the pig farming industry, improving the quality of life for the animals and making the work of farmers easier.

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