Cashew nut shell oil may soon replace traditional sunscreens, which contain harmful ingredients for both users and water organisms. However, clinical studies on skin compatibility are still needed. Current sunscreens are controversial due to their use of problematic ingredients such as titanium dioxide nanoparticles and heavy metals, which can harm the environment and human health. Additionally, the hydrocarbon compounds used in their production are derived from petroleum, making sustainable production impossible. Scientists at the University of Mainz have therefore searched for natural alternatives to create environmentally friendly sunscreens and have discovered that cashew nut shell oil can be used to create UV filters. The oil, which is produced in large quantities during cashew nut processing, has previously had few commercial uses. However, it contains bioactive materials that can be used to synthesize different products due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. The researchers have successfully synthesized several classes of UV filters from cashew nut shell oil, which show similar results to traditional organic UV filters in absorbing UVA and UVB radiation. The molecule s-Triazine is particularly promising as it can absorb both types of radiation and can be easily dissolved in oils for use in sunscreens. The scientists plan to further investigate s-Triazine and other molecules to create a natural-based UV filter for use in sunscreens. However, clinical studies on skin compatibility and potential side effects when the sunscreen dissolves in water are still needed before the product can be released to the market.

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