Diamonds, known for their strength and durability, have been found to be flexible and able to change their properties when reduced to nanoscale size. Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Centre of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films in Hong Kong grew tiny diamond needles in the lab and found that they could bend up to nine percent without breaking or cracking. This previously unknown property could lead to the development of new technologies, as the optical, electronic, and magnetic properties of the diamonds change with deformation. The researchers were surprised by the elasticity of the diamonds on a nanoscale level, and the discovery could also lead to the creation of highly sensitive sensors.

The diamond needles were grown in a hot carbon atmosphere and structured in a complex etching process. Under a scanning electron microscope, the researchers observed that the conically tapered diamond needles were arranged like blades of grass on a lawn. The strength of the tiny diamond structures was tested by pressing a much larger diamond tip onto the vertically standing diamond needles. The researchers expected the nanoneedles to break under the pressure of 100 gigapascals, but instead, they bent several hundred nanometers. Further experiments showed that the diamond needles could also be compressed to a certain degree and return to their original shape when released. Calculations revealed that the small diamonds could bend up to nine percent without showing any signs of damage, while larger diamonds could only be deformed by a maximum of one percent.

The discovery of the flexibility of diamonds could lead to the development of new technologies and highly sensitive sensors. The reversible change in properties of the diamonds during deformation could be used to create new types of sensors. The researchers were surprised by the elasticity of diamonds on a nanoscale level, and the discovery could lead to further research into the properties of diamonds and other materials.

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