Astronomers may have finally discovered the source of the mysterious Dark Energy that propels the expansion of the universe. The solution could lie in supermassive black holes located at the center of most large galaxies. If this theory is correct, it could revolutionize our understanding of cosmology. For decades, cosmologists have been puzzled about what drives the mysterious Dark Energy that propels the expansion of the universe. A promising solution may now be found in supermassive black holes, which are potential sources of Dark Energy. Scientists have discovered that these giant black holes may be the source of Dark Energy by comparing them over nine billion years of cosmic history. These groundbreaking findings were published in two papers in the Astrophysical Journal and Astrophysical Journal Letters.

According to astrophysicist Chris Pearson from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, the discovery of the possible source of Dark Energy could revolutionize the entire field of cosmology. If the theory is correct, it would have enormous implications for our understanding of the origin of Dark Energy, which has puzzled the scientific community for over 20 years. This groundbreaking discovery could open the door to a fundamental shift in cosmological research.

Astronomers recently discovered that the universe is expanding faster than expected due to gravity. To explain this discrepancy, they proposed that there must be an unknown force that counteracts gravity and drives the universe apart. This mysterious force is called Dark Energy and makes up about 68% of the entire universe. New research may provide a clue as to how Dark Energy works in the universe. Two teams of researchers compared the masses of black holes at the centers of galaxies to determine if they could serve as sources of Dark Energy. One group of galaxies was young and far away, while the other group was only a few million light-years away. The astronomers found that the nearby black holes were seven to twenty times larger than the other group members. This enormous growth cannot be explained solely by the consumption of stars or the collision of black holes. The researchers suspect that the black holes grow in line with the expansion of the universe. This theory has surprised scientists and could provide an answer to one of the biggest problems in cosmology.

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