Amazon Tests Two-Legged Robot for Container Recycling

Amazon has announced that it will be testing the use of a humanoid robot called Digit in its container recycling operations. If the pilot project is successful, the robot could be used for other tasks, such as logistics. Over the past decade, Amazon has introduced hundreds of thousands of robots to perform various tasks within the company. The Digit robot, developed by Agility Robotics, will work alongside human employees in the recycling process. Initially, the two-legged robot will assist human workers in transporting containers, a repetitive and mundane task that is ideal for automation.

According to Amazon, the humanoid robot is suitable for all human work environments, including the company’s logistics centers. If the test phase in recycling is successful, Digit could soon be used in other areas of the company, such as narrow warehouses. The development of the robot by Agility Robotics was partially funded by the Amazon Industrial Innovation Fund. The robot was first tested by Ford in 2019, and since then, there have been numerous improvements. Agility Robotics has announced that it will begin mass production of the robot in September 2023, with up to 10,000 robots built annually for use primarily in retail and industry. Initially, participants in the Agility Partner Programs, such as Amazon, will be supplied with the robot, followed by other customers. The general availability of the robot is planned for 2025.

The use of robots in the workplace has become increasingly common in recent years, with companies seeking to automate repetitive and dangerous tasks. The introduction of the Digit robot in Amazon’s container recycling operations is a significant step towards the automation of the company’s operations. The success of the pilot project could lead to the use of the robot in other areas of the company, further increasing efficiency and reducing the risk of injury to human workers. The development of the robot by Agility Robotics, with funding from the Amazon Industrial Innovation Fund, highlights the importance of collaboration between companies and startups in driving innovation and technological advancement.

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