The British start-up, Ark Motors, has developed a compact and affordable electric car for city driving. The Ark Zero is only a quarter of the size of a regular car and can be charged for about one euro. With the rise of the electric vehicle revolution, small electric cars are becoming increasingly popular on our roads. The Ark Zero is the latest addition to this trend, offering a compact and affordable option for city drivers. The vehicle is only 1.2 meters wide and 2.5 meters long, with enough space for two people and a dog. The passenger sits behind the driver, allowing the car to be parked sideways, taking up only a quarter of the space of a regular electric car.

The Ark Zero is made of aluminum, providing the necessary stability and rigidity to protect passengers in the event of an accident. The vehicle is powered by a 2.2-kilowatt electric motor, which can accelerate the car to a maximum speed of 45 km/h. The lithium-ion battery has a capacity of 80 ampere-hours, providing a range of up to 80 kilometers. The battery can be charged with up to 7.4 kilowatts, taking between six and eight hours to fully charge. The cost of charging the battery is only slightly over one euro, making it an affordable option for city drivers.

To drive the Ark Zero, a driver must have an AM-class license for small motorcycles, which means that 15-year-olds in Germany can legally drive the vehicle. Currently, the Ark Zero is only available in the UK, where it costs around 6,000 British pounds, equivalent to approximately 7,000 euros. However, Ark Motors plans to market the vehicle internationally in the future. With its compact size, affordability, and eco-friendliness, the Ark Zero is a promising addition to the electric vehicle market.

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