Augmental’s Mouthpad, an intraoral touchpad, allows for hands-free control of smart devices using only the tongue. This innovative device is designed to help paralyzed individuals and others who cannot use their hands to become more independent in their daily lives. Developed by the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) start-up, Augmental, the Mouthpad is a game-changing device that has the potential to revolutionize the way people interact with technology.

The Mouthpad is a 3D-printed device made of dental resin that is customized to fit the user’s mouth. It is a waterproof device that is placed over the upper palate and looks like a dental prosthesis. The device is only 0.7 millimeters thick and weighs 7.5 grams. It has a touch-sensitive surface, a battery, a microprocessor, and Bluetooth connectivity. The device works by detecting the position and pressure of the user’s tongue, which is then converted into commands using artificial intelligence (AI). The Mouthpad can be used to control a cursor and perform a variety of tasks, including sending emails, activating smart home devices, editing images, and playing video games.

The primary target audience for the Mouthpad is paralyzed individuals and others who cannot use their hands. However, it can also be used by individuals who want to control another electronic device while their hands are occupied. The device is compatible with macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android, and does not require any additional software to function. The Mouthpad is still in development and is not yet available for purchase, but interested individuals can join a waiting list. With its potential to improve the lives of paralyzed individuals and others who cannot use their hands, the Mouthpad is a promising innovation that could change the way we interact with technology.

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