A new laser cannon has been developed that can detect and kill cockroaches using artificial intelligence (AI). The technology could potentially be used in agriculture. Researchers at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, led by Ildar Rakhmatulin, have created a laser cannon that uses AI to detect and kill cockroaches. The system was successfully tested on insects up to 1.2 meters away from the laser in a plexiglass box, according to their publication in the Oriental Insects journal. The cockroaches were identified and then shot with a 0.5-watt laser beam until they stopped moving.

The laser cannon is based on a small computer that analyzes the signal from two cameras to determine the exact position of the cockroach. Rakhmatulin used a Jetson Nano to perform deep learning algorithms with higher accuracy to recognize an object. The researchers also tested lasers of varying strengths and found that cockroaches can be trained to avoid certain areas of the box with weaker laser beams. The total cost of the system is only 250 euros, according to Rakhmatulin, who used inexpensive hardware and made the software publicly available. He also noted that the technology could be used against other insects in agriculture.

However, Rakhmatulin warned that the AI-controlled laser cannon should not be used by amateurs as it can cause health problems in humans. He suggested that the technology could be used in agriculture, but cautioned against its use due to the potential danger of lasers. “I advise against it because it’s a bit dangerous. Lasers can damage not only cockroaches but also your eyes,” he said. The development of this technology could potentially revolutionize pest control in agriculture, but safety precautions must be taken to ensure that it is used responsibly.

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