A recent study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has investigated whether SUVs are more likely to be involved in fatal accidents with pedestrians than smaller cars. The popularity of large vehicles has been increasing in the United States, Germany, and many other countries for years. However, many people criticize the new models of car manufacturers because they consume a lot of fuel and are more dangerous in accidents involving pedestrians. The IIHS scientists have examined whether SUVs and other large vehicles are actually more frequently involved in serious accidents with pedestrians.

According to official figures from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 6,519 pedestrians died in traffic accidents in the United States in 2020. This is 59 percent more than in 2009. The number of new registrations for SUVs and pickups has also increased sharply during this period. Compact SUVs now have the highest share of the car market in the United States. To investigate whether SUVs and similar cars are responsible for the high number of pedestrian deaths, the scientists analyzed nationwide accident statistics as well as all accidents involving pedestrians recorded by the police in North Carolina from 2010 to 2018.

The analysis clearly shows a correlation between the type of vehicle and the frequency of fatal pedestrian accidents. SUVs (+23%) and pickups (+42%) are more likely to collide with pedestrians when turning left than normal cars. There are no differences between vehicle types in right-turn accidents. The probability of hitting a pedestrian on the road is also significantly higher for minivans (+45%), SUVs (+61%), and pickups (+80%) due to poor visibility. The authors recommend the use of stronger materials that allow for narrower A-pillars, as well as lower motor hoods, to reduce the risk of accidents involving pedestrians.

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