Samsung, the South Korean tech giant, has developed a new technology that aims to make overtaking large trucks safer. The company has installed cameras on the front of trucks that transmit real-time video footage to displays on the back of the vehicle. This will allow drivers behind the truck to see the road ahead, even at night, and make better decisions about overtaking. The technology has been tested in Argentina, a country with mostly single-lane roads and a high number of accidents caused by overtaking large trucks.

Large trucks can make overtaking difficult for following vehicles, as their size can limit the visibility of the overtaking driver. This has led to a significant number of accidents caused by limited visibility. Samsung’s new technology, called the Samsung Safety Truck, aims to reduce the number of accidents caused by overtaking large trucks. The camera on the front of the truck transmits video footage wirelessly to a display made up of four screens on the back of the truck trailer. This will allow drivers behind the truck to see the road ahead and make better decisions about overtaking.

The technology has other benefits too. The camera can display warnings of traffic jams, animals on the side of the road, or blocked lanes, giving drivers behind the truck an advantage in reacting to potential hazards. Samsung has led the development of the prototypes and has already conducted tests with various business customers. The company is now working to obtain approval and certification for the technology to be used on public roads. The Samsung Safety Truck has the potential to make roads safer for all drivers, and it is an exciting development in the field of road safety technology.

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