A massive crack stretching for kilometers has appeared in Kenya, and it is growing larger by the day. Geologists believe that this crack is a sign that Africa will eventually split into two parts. The crack appeared near the Suswa volcano after heavy rainfall about a month ago. It is now several kilometers long, 20 meters wide, and 15 meters deep on average. Experts are concerned that this is not just a simple trench but a tectonic fault line that could lead to the separation of Africa.

The Earth is constantly changing, and plate tectonics is a prime example of this. For the past 30 million years, the plates under Kenya have been drifting apart at a rate of 2.5 to 5 centimeters per year. This process is unstoppable, and even if the crack is filled with gravel and debris, it is only a temporary solution. Michael Munene, a geologist from the University of Nairobi, warns that the crack will continue to grow, and more people will be affected if it does.

The crack has already forced some people to evacuate their homes and save their belongings before they are buried under collapsing buildings. Geologists have discovered that this is just one of many cracks along the 3,000-kilometer-long East African Rift Valley. They predict that in 10 to 50 million years, Somalia, parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania will separate from Africa and form a new continent. The crack in Kenya is a stark reminder that the Earth is always changing, and we must be prepared for the consequences.

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