A new calculation model has been developed that accurately predicts the decline in athletic performance as individuals age. Led by Bergita Ganse, a professor of innovative implant development at Saarland University, the research team aimed to determine the physical decline of individuals as they age. The team trained an artificial intelligence (AI) with data from nearly 5,000 Swedish athletes, whose performances were documented in the Swedish Veteran Athletics database between 1901 and 2021. The study focused solely on running disciplines, as the weight of throwing equipment changes with age, making it difficult to compare performances. The researchers were able to develop a model that accurately predicts the decline in athletic performance with high precision, which is significantly more accurate than older models that rely on a linear decline in performance.

The study found that athletes who were highly skilled and young had the most significant decline in performance, which also applied to older athletes with lower initial performance. The lowest rate of decline was observed in highly skilled athletes with a high initial age. The research also showed that individuals should start exercising at an older age, as those who performed well in their discipline at an advanced age were likely to be significantly more capable than their peers in later years. The study’s results suggest that it is worth starting to exercise at an advanced age.

According to Ganse, the study’s central result is the development of a model that accurately predicts the decline in athletic performance as individuals age. The researchers’ precision is significantly higher than that of older models that rely on a linear decline in performance. The study’s findings have significant implications for athletes and individuals who want to maintain their physical fitness as they age.

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