New Study Finds Many New Cars and Motorcycles are Unnecessarily Loud

According to a recent study by the German Federal Environment Agency, many new cars and motorcycles are unnecessarily loud and contribute significantly to noise pollution. Experts suggest that vehicles should be as quiet as possible to protect the health and well-being of everyone. Researchers from the agency found that many new vehicles are excessively loud outside of urban areas, even though they meet current approval requirements. The unnecessary noise is achieved through flaps and even speakers in the exhaust system. The president of the agency, Dirk Messner, criticized the lack of consideration for noise reduction and the impact on citizens. He called for a legal obligation for manufacturers to build vehicles as quietly as possible, using the latest technology. The study primarily focused on sports cars and motorcycles, which are known for their loud sound under both test and real-world conditions.

The German Federal Environment Agency concluded that the recently updated international noise approval regulations are inadequate to prevent extreme noise emissions on the road. The agency is calling for an expansion of the regulations to limit vehicle noise during slow driving, urban driving, and driving outside of urban areas. A recent survey conducted in mid-August among German citizens showed that a large majority of respondents support at least temporary bans on loud motorcycles. However, despite public opinion, Federal Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer opposes such measures.

The study highlights the need for manufacturers to prioritize noise reduction in vehicle design and for governments to implement stricter regulations to protect citizens from noise pollution.

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