Alcohol is often used by many people to suppress negative emotions. However, according to a study, the drug actually intensifies depressive feelings. Researchers at the University of Missouri investigated whether alcohol can at least temporarily help regulate negative emotions. The study involved 110 women and men between the ages of 18 and 45 who drink alcohol at least once a week. Half of the participants suffered from borderline personality disorder. During the study, the participants were asked questions about their feelings using an electronic assistant. The survey was conducted daily upon waking up, at six random times during the day, and whenever they had consumed at least one glass of alcohol.

The analysis showed that participants who consumed alcohol in a melancholic or anxious mood were convinced that they would feel better afterwards. However, when the consumers’ feelings were measured with specific questions such as “Do you feel depressed now?” or “Are you nervous right now?”, it was found that anxiety did not decrease after consumption. In fact, depressive feelings increased due to drug use. It is therefore clear that alcohol cannot suppress negative emotions. In the worst case, the drug even causes negative thoughts to intensify. Despite this, people often consume alcohol in such situations due to false expectations and wishful thinking.

The study also found that people drink alcohol mainly for social reasons and to suppress negative emotions such as anxiety, loneliness, and sadness. However, in the long run, this cannot work. The researchers suggest that people should seek professional help to deal with negative emotions instead of relying on alcohol. It is important to note that there are real effects of alcohol consumption, such as a lower pain threshold, that are not directly related to anxiety or depression.

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